Today I want to chat to you about something you may not know, we often have patients come into the clinic and their major complaint is low back pain.
In fact, millions of people in Australia suffer from this problem each year, but did you know, that it might not be your low back that is the problem?
You might just be feeling the symptoms / pain in your low back.
When you come into your 1st visit with us, we do a full body investigation as well as a posture analysis and this tells us so much more about the body and what your body is doing when you are weightbearing, laying down etc.
If you are already a patient with us, you know how thorough we are and we do a lot of orthopedic, muscle testing and neurological testing before we even touch your spine.
This shows us exactly what is working properly and what is not working.
After our investigations we often see that even thought the major symptom and pain is coming from the lower back, that in fact, other things can be causing that.
One of the most common is forward head posture which puts a lot of strain on your spinal cord and back. Forward head posture can make small things feel bad too as the nervous system doesn’t like being stretched. As there are no elastic fibers in spinal nerves.
We also sometime notice that if you are favouring one side and always leaning or standing on one foot that this causes an imbalance and again puts strain on your low back and other muscles, now that means the problem could be coming from your hips pelvis your knees and your feet.
Now I have said that, you might catch yourself leaning to one side more often. Or look at your shoes. Do they wear out unevenly you might have a pelvic misalignment.
How do we help your low back pain?
Like I said before, the first thing to do is get a full body check up and just make sure your whole spine is working correctly and aligned and if we have any concerns we can even take an x-ray to see exactly what’s going on.
That way if we properly diagnose it we can properly treated it
Once that is done, we start chiropractic care and start making changes in your habits. We also give you homework for you to do, because like anything the more you do, the better you become.
That said though there’s so much more to Chiropractic that just backpain. In fact we have patients that come here just for regular maintenance just like you do with your teeth because if your spine was out you can’t replace it like you can do your teeth.