To begin, let’s define a subluxation. It occurs when one or two bones become misaligned, exerting pressure on the delicate nerves branching out from the spine’s sides. Once a nerve is irritated, it can lead to dysfunction in the connected muscles and organs.
The chiropractic approach involves employing gentle and precise techniques to realign these vertebrae, allowing your nervous system to function optimally. When your nervous system is in harmony, everything it governs operates at its best.
Now, the question arises: can subluxations resolve on their own? The answer depends on various factors. In a normally functioning spine, a minor misalignment may naturally correct itself when you turn your head to the left and then to the right. However, there are numerous reasons why subluxations occur.
Some may result from years of poor posture or past injuries like motor vehicle accidents or sports-related incidents. More commonly, they arise from everyday activities such as prolonged computer use, sleeping on your stomach, slumping in a chair, or excessive phone use.
It’s important to acknowledge that while we work to correct these issues, some habits inadvertently contribute to their recurrence. This underscores why chiropractors emphasize the maintenance of spinal health. It’s akin to expecting rock-hard abs without ongoing exercise or assuming a dentist would recommend a single visit.
Chiropractors advocate for periodic check-ups to ensure that issues don’t resurface. We encourage adjustments to daily routines and prescribe specific exercises to alleviate dysfunction and fortify the spine, preventing the return of problems. The more proactive you are, the less you’ll need to rely on us.
Research in chiropractic biophysics highlights spinal traction as a key method for rectifying significant subluxations. This technique differs from a regular adjustment in terms of time and pressure. If you’re keen to learn more, feel free to seek out my previous video on the subject.
To address the initial question, subluxations do not naturally resolve on their own. You must take proactive steps to correct them by addressing the underlying causes. This is the comprehensive approach we guide our patients through.
If you’re seeking a quick adjustment for momentary relief, don’t be surprised if issues that have persisted for two decades don’t disappear overnight. Conversely, if you’ve recently incurred an injury, seeking chiropractic care promptly can significantly improve your outcome.
Ultimately, the choice lies with you. Will you use chiropractic care for proactive prevention, to alter current patterns and avert future issues, or merely for emergency-based intervention? The decision is clear to me.
Correcting subluxations involves breaking ingrained patterns. It requires targeted soft tissue work and a structured regimen of corrective exercises. While it’s entirely possible to rectify subluxations and reclaim your health, it’s a process that demands proactive involvement.