We are regularly getting asked what else can I do to make my adjustment last longer?
Firstly this is something that will just take time, yes there are some ways which you may be able to speed up the process but in some cases, it may just take longer on some people when compared to others.
Now let’s jump into these exercises so you can get started and help stabilse your spine.
- Trunk Rotation
This exercise is great to build your internal core and pelvic muscles and helps to protect your low back. It is completed by lying on your back and you will roll your knees from side to side. There are 3 levels;
- Keep feet on the floor and roll your knees from side to side
- Lift your feet off the floor and bend your knees to 90°, roll your knees from side to side
- Lift your feet off the floor, straighten your knees and bend your hips to 90°, roll your knees from side to side.
You can complete this exercise as many times as possible, until you feel a slight burn in your muscles.
- Superman
This exercise also builds your deep core muscles and provides amazing spinal stability. Start on your hands and knees, it is important to progress slowly with this exercise and as it is critical to have a neutral spine. There are 3 levels to this exercise;
- Raise one arm or leg at a time.
- Raise the opposite arm and leg at the same time.
- In the plank position, raise the opposite arm and leg at the same time
- Neck Strap
This is probably the most common exercise that we do for our patients. In our daily lives we find ourselves looking down at our computers or smart devices more often than not. This exercise is a great way to start to restore the curve in the neck. Utilising the strap itself is best done under the prescription of a health care practitioner, however if you would like to begin this at home you can start like this
- Lie down on your back. Roll up a small towel and place it in the curve of your neck. Your goal is to try and push the back of your neck into the towel. Like below.
These exercises are good, but are best done in conjunction with your regular appointments! If it is your first time here and aren’t sure what we can help with, check out our other blog posts or get in touch on info@robinawellness.com and Dr Jade will be happy to discuss this further.
If you want to see these exercises in action, check out our latest Chiro Couch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWa0vg_JaSM