Do you know what is happening to your spine when you are holding your baby? It’s not a question we get asked but actually one where we do most of the asking.
Prolonged constant postures CAUSE your spine to change its alignment.
It is easy to forget that we are taught to lift with your knees and keep your back straight. The same principles apply. Poor lifting posture when you are lifting your child or picking up after them can cause back pain. If you are holding your children on one hip this can cause all sorts of problems from your hips up into your neck!
With correct posture you can safely enjoy all the time you would like to with your kids. We work closely with families making sure their spinal alignment is correct and helping them get the most out of life together.
75% of workplace injuries occur due to poor posture when lifting! Don’t let your children be the cause of your back pain! Correct your posture and reduce the risk of developing back pain!
Experiencing back pain now! Book in and find out how we can help!
For more tips and tricks when holding your baby check out our video below
SafetyNow. (2020, October 20). Back safety – stats and facts. SafetyNow ILT.
Burdorf, A., Naaktgeboren, B., & de Groot, H. C. (1993). Occupational risk factors for low back pain among sedentary workers – PubMed. Journal of Occupational Medicine. : Official Publication of the Industrial Medical Association, 35(12).