If you are a patient here, we would have gotten you to watch a video when you first started care with us. Do you remember what that was about??
Let me remind you. It was about subluxations, remember that word?
For those of you who don’t know what a subluxation is, let me tell you.
It is a chiropractic term which we use when one of your vertebrae are out of alignment.
Now it’s not a dislocation subluxation it’s just a partial misalignment that is affecting the nervous system in the connective tissue surrounding. It can affect your muscular skeletal system affect the nerves apply to your organs and the rest of your body and so it’s chiropractors we believe that if we can remove this interference we can improve your health
How do you get these subluxations? Well, let’s start with saying that everyone can get them, babies to elderly and in chiropractic we say there are 3 main stressors which can cause them.
1st is Chemical stressors – some chemical stressors cause subluxations like poor nutrition, if you aren’t feeding your body well you can experience subluxations, just the same as when your spine can affect your body, your body can affect your spine.
And example would be drinking water, now we know how important water is that when you’re dehydrated this will affect the way that your muscles function and intern could potentially cause a subluxation or make a subluxation that you already have worse.
Also eating a lot of unhealthy fats, excess sugar etc. many drugs or being on drugs long term. Alcohol and a host of other substances play a huge part on our nervous system, muscle tone and spine.
2nd is Emotional stressors – have you ever felt your neck and shoulders when you are stressed? They are either rockhard or they hurt when somebody moves or massages them. Well We see a lot of people who hold their stress in their upper body. It affects your posture and might be aggravated by simple things like workplace stress, home life, relationship, financial stress. They all play a big factor in emotional subluxations. The other things that can be caused by emotional stresses are the hormones that the bodies produce during these emotional times. So for example cortisol is produced during stress and cortisol is known for lots and lots of negative side-effects to the musculoskeletal body as a result stress can cause subluxation
The last and most understood is
3rd is Physical stressors – poor posture is probably the most common problem we see, improper lifting remember at work and everyone would say ‘lift with your knees not your back’ carrying schoolbags or handbags on one shoulder, sports accidents or car accidents can cause subluxations..
Now in this instance it’s important for me to tell you that not all subluxations I felt straight away and we often see a lot of people who had a car accident years ago not feel the effects until many years later.
You see it’s sort of like a cavity in your tooth while it’s there it takes many years for it to fit the nerve and it’s the same here with subluxations in some instances some you feel straight away and others take many years. And the problem is if it takes many years you might have arthritis associated with it
How do we treat subluxations?
Well I’m happy to say that Chiropractic is the only way to treat subluxations. This doesn’t mean a one time visit to the chiro. This means depending on the severity and the type of subluxation and of course how long it’s been there you may require a specific treatment plan to not just detect subluxation but also address them as they arrive because you receive the stresses every single day.
We will work with you on the causes of your subluxations and give you some tips on how to manage these stressors to avoid getting subluxations.
And of course if you listen to me before you know all about how we practice Chiropractic biophysics which is the most researched Chiropractic technique on the planet and how we can use traction to not only improve your subluxations but remove them.
So if you’d like more information about how we can help you or you might have a family or friend please show on this video comment below and will do our best to help you