Today we look at the statement “it’s just old age nothing can be done”
In a lot of conversations I have with patients, I hear one of my favourite comments…
“I have arthritis in my knee but that’s just old age age” and my favourite response is… “how old is your other knee?”
In most cases it’s not how old you are, it’s how long you’ve been dealing with your problem, or how long have you been waiting to do something about it. It’s most commonly a statement made by people who don’t want to find out the real problem. More often than not, there is something you can do about it, but if it’s something that keeps getting put off it gets harder and harder to fix.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether you’re 20, 40, or if you’re 80 years of age! There is ALWAYS something you can do about it.
You say you may not be able to change the beginning but you can change the ending. The patients I see range from teenagers to people in their 50s as well as one who started their chiropractic care at the age of 95!
All goals are different for all of these patients. In some instances we were more concerned about fixing their pain, however, in other instances, we were working to fix their problem.
If you’re in the older age bracket, there are many things that Chiropractic care can help. These are things such as Aches and pains, arthritic symptoms, mobility, chronic pain, old disc injuries, old sporting injuries and even helping your golf game get better.
Chiropractic care can also improve your flexibility so you can do the gardening at ease or even get up off the ground faster after doing yoga.
I don’t want you to use the excuse that it’s too old to be fixed. One of my favourite quotes is “you don’t stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing”
If you know somebody who is complaining about their pains and blaming their injuries from the past, maybe Chiropractic could be the answer for them. Or you! To see a better quality of life.
If you have a specific problem that you want to have a looked at or maybe this is resonated with you,
Please send our team a message or give the office a call and we will be more than happy to tell you if we can help you.
Watch the video in the link below to get more information about this myth and listen to Dr Andrew speak about this statement about old age.