Today I wanted to do a little Did You Know Chiro edition.
Lets get into it.
- Did you know that chiropractic adjustments are almost painless
- There are many different chiro techniques – for different conditions and different outcomes
- The very 1st chiro adjustment was given in 1895 by Daniel David Palmer who helped janitor Harvey Lillard regain his hearing after a back accident which happened 17 years prior.
- A chiropractic degree is the same as a doctors degree. We spend the same time at uni studying the human body… we just spend more time on the spine and nervous system and less time on gastro….gyno…urinary…cardiovascular and pharmacology…
- There are 6 universities in Australia and NZ that offer chiro as a tertiary university degree
- Is for all ages
- People often believe having back pain is just ‘ part of life’ or ‘normal’. Let me tell you, this isn’t normal and you shouldn’t be living with pain. Lets find out the reason WHY you are having pain and get to the cause of it and treat it. If I cant help you, I will send you to someone who can.
- Chiro care isn’t only great for corrective care but we also use it for preventative care. A lot of people who play sports use it to stop injury happening and we see a lot of pregnant women getting adjustments to prevent trauma to the body during pregnancy and labour.
- 14 out of 16 International Clinic Guidelines for treatment of low back pain recommend chiropractic care.
I hope you have learnt something new today and please let me know if you have any questions, I am happy to answer them for you.