We are talking all things chiro and sports!
If you didn’t know I definitely know a lot about this. I’ve actually done a further 1 year post graduate in Sports Chiropractic on top of my masters degree 20 years ago.
Time flies when you are having fun.
BUT Why do athletes love their chiros?
Well the main goal in sport is to win… and to win you need to have more mobility, more functionality and more strength than you competitor… and with chiropractic care, we can help all 3 of these functions.
A recent study athletes showed athletes achieve an increased level of strength, up to 30 mins after an adjustment.
Plus, Athletes who are under regular chiropractic care report a decrease in their post exercise pain, less injuries and an increase of their functionality.
So Here are the top reasons why Chiropractic helps Athletes
- Helps you recover faster, you see.. When you work out, you are working your muscles, there is a side-effect of this. Muscle soreness BUT with sport the more you work out the stronger and faster you get… so you can reduce your muscle soreness , you can work out again soon.. so with chiropractic care, if your function is better, if your function is better you will be stronger, if you are stronger you’ll be less sore and if you are less or you will work out more.
- Improves balance, agility and reflexes. A study done in 1991 tested fifty athletes, separating them into a control group and a group that received chiropractic care. After six weeks, the control group was tested with the same 11 tests they utilized at the start of the study, and they exhibited minor improvements in 8 of the 11 tests. The chiropractic group showed significant improvement in all 11 tests, and also showed an 18% improvement in a reaction test, compared to the control group’s less than 1% improvement.
- It prevents injury……… Think about this. Does the Formula One team tune their cars before the race or after the race. That’s right if you tune something before the race little perform better if you perform better you’re less likely to get injury and you’re more likely to get better performance.
Some well known athletes who are under chiropractic care are Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Brady, Lance Armstrong just to name a few.
Even my sons who are rugby union players rely on their chiropractic care for their performance and recovery.
[Reference – https://livingvitallife.com/chiropractic-care-helps-improve-athletic-performance/]