Let’s get straight into it. I wanted to chat to you about growing pains and are they real?
People often describe growing pains as a dull ache or throbbing in their legs, kids often wake up in the middle of the night with these pains. The major complaint is pain in the thighs, calves and behind the knees, some children also get headaches, and this pain comes and goes.
It’s interesting that there is no evidence of growing causing pain. It’s been said that as a child grows the muscles stretch however my muscles are stretching right now and there’s not causing the pain.
All my fingernails are growing right now and it’s quite slow but it’s not causing me pain. So we don’t actually know where the pain is coming from.
There is no specific treatment for growing pains, but hot water bottles Putting fisiocrem/ pain away or other topical liniments make give some relief.
I found that massage is beneficial to a lot of people, but the most common thing that I see in practice with kids with growing pains is that a very high percentage of them have pelvic misalignment. This may not be true for every single person but it’s true for a lot of the kids that I see. I’ve even seen kids that were missed diagnosed as having growing pains when it was actually a form of sciatica and we were able to help them too.
If the pain is consistent, please consider going to your doctor to rule out any other problems you child might have. They may suggest an X-ray to check for other issues. I would certainly take that approach.
So the kids have growing pains please try the non-specific treatments I have suggested before or even better call the office and let’s get your child checked to see if they have any other issues going on that could be causing growing pains.
I hope that helps you when it comes to growing pain.