Are you thinking of starting back with your exercise?
“In my 20 years of practice, I see 50% people fail when starting a new exercise routine… especially this time of year”.
The 2 main reasons why people fail are
1. Injuries (we will cover this in a future post)
2. Poor habits leading to failure of goals
Here are my Top 7 Habits that are critical to getting results with exercise….
1. Education – Starting something new? Read up or ask a specialist.
Don’t risk an injury by doing silly exercises!
2. Make a plan – Set a goal and work backwards. Have landmarks (or mini goals) through your process. If you’re new to a particular exercise start slow and work up; push yourself but not too quick or your injure yourself
3. Accountability Partner – Want the best results?
The best accountability partner are the ones that don’t listen to your excuses (e.g. a personal trainer)
BUT if you want to exercise regularly and spend less $$$…. find a friend.
People who exercise WITH YOU and have similar goals as you, can be the best motivation and support for you.
(DON’T FORGET, Be an example for them. You’re their accountability partner too.
4. Hydrate – How much water you need is dependent on your size and your energy levels
Dehydration can affect your performance and even lead to injury.
RULE: 30ml H20 per KG when resting, 45ml H20 per KG when exercising.
(Eg 80kg = 30-45×80 = 2.4 -3.6 Ltr water/day)
5. Nutrition is Key –this is easy for some BUT for others you need some advice. Basically you are burning fire when exercising … so without good nutrition you risk becoming tired, fatigued or even injure yourself.
Most people exercise to loose weight but if you are calorie counting you might become depleted of energy or nutrients and actually feel worse.
Have a look at supplements, some creams like our Fisiocrem or our Float Tank
– a great way to help heal the body replenish regularly magnesium loss.
6. Stretch/Sleep/Rest – The key to exercise is recovery, to heal body from the physical trauma of your exercise BUT sleeping and stretching will you’re your body chemically also. Sleep will produce hormones that help mental fatigue and your moods (as too exercise) and stretching will help recovery and the release of Lactic Acid from the body… Most people need 7 – 8Hrs sleep per day (while there are few that say they can function on less than 6hrs …. Usually it not sustainable)
7. Make it Enjoyable – don’t do exercise (at first) that you hate. Exercise need to be fun so it is sustainable. Don’t choose exercises (at first) that will give you an excuse later e.g. it’s winter and too cold to swim now.
So we hope that these habits help you avoid you from being that 50% who fail.
Me personally, having that exercise buddy was the best of the lot.
What’s yours?
Have questions? We are always here to help. Send me an email here or click reply on your mailbox
Dr Andrew has a post university degree in sports chiropractic and can help you with your health routine
Plus, we have a great network of professionals if you need personal training, diet/nutrition advice or exercise plans.
Yours in Health
Dr Andrew Kaltenbach
B.Sc, M.Chiropractic, ICSSD
p.s Keep and eye out for our next BLOG – Common Exercise Injuries – Prevention and Treatment