I wanted to chat to you and show you some exercise you can do to help the hump on your back.
It is known as The dowagers hump cause develops in both men and women, but it is mainly seen in elderly women at the base of their neck.
This condition a a combination of a neck condition called a cervical kyphosis where the neck curved the wrong way and is a result of constant forward leaning.
What happens is that these vertebra spread apart and are filled with fatty deposits… now because fat gets in the way it becomes hard to extend the neck back to its normal alignment and it gets worse and worse… it’s NOT THAT YOU ARE OVERWEIGHT
This usually shows up in middle age as it takes a while to develop because of the long-term weakening of the thoracic extensor muscles.
Other causes may be “osteoporosis” or “congenital problem”
“Scheuermann’s kyphosis” when the spine develops into a wedge shape instead of a rectangle.
Or “Too much cortisol” which can cause some of the hallmark signs of
Cushing syndrome — a fatty hump between your shoulders, a rounded face, and pink or purple stretch marks on your skin. Cushing syndrome can also result in high blood pressure, bone loss and, on occasion, type 2 diabetes.
So how do you help the humping on your neck?
Start with these simple exercises.
- Start by doing chin tucks of the neck where you pull the chin straight back. This is good for the discs in the neck and strengthens the neck muscles.
- Perform scapular squeezes, where you squeeze the shoulder blades together, to improve the upper back muscles.
- Do push-ups into the corner of a room or through a door frame where you move the shoulders past the hands.
But to be honest you can’t fix this by yourself. You do need to see a chiropractor and do these exercises..
If you would like to have a proper consultation please contact us below and we can do an initial consult and see if chiropractic can help with the neck hump.