Many people believe the cold weather results in colds and flu’s especially during the winter months. NOT TRUE. An ineffective immune system is the main reason people will get sick. Viruses can cause colds, bacteria may develop infections leading to cold like symptoms. BUT it is how healthy you are in the presence of these things that will lead to how often you get sick and how long you are sick for.
Exercise Whilst exercising isn’t on the front of many people’s minds when winter hits and you may be feeling symptoms of a common cold, getting out and exercising is incredibly helpful for the body and mind.
A short walk, (unless you have a fever or are dizzy) can do wonders and make you feel better and loosen up built up mucous and fluids. Exercising also releases feel – good hormones called endorphins.
Sleep Well- –Sleep is essential to the body and mind. When we don’t have enough sleep it can affect our health, concentration, memory, energy, enthusiasm and mood. It can then lead to a lowered immune system. If you begin to feel unwell, try and get at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night and when you have a cold you may even need more zzzzzz’s
Vitamins- Whilst it is important to remember to take your vitamins each day, it is even more important to remember to take them when you are feeling run down. When you have a cold coming on your Dr or Chiropractor may recommend taking extra antioxidants. Seeing a Naturopath can also help with this as well, as they often have remedies for low immune systems and can offer advice based upon your specific requirements. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before taking any vitamin or herbal remedy.
Avoid Stress- Several studies show that emotional stress can weaken the immune system and the bodies natural cold fighting abilities. It is true that stress is often unavoidable; however we can control how we respond to a particular event, behavior , place or person. Talking with someone like a counsellor can help to attain where you are having stress and how to cope with this and learn to react differently.
At the end of the day, there are many things you can do to to feel better when the dreaded cold or flu hits in winter. The best remedy is to be prepared. Do things that will strengthen you regularly and your body will be able to fight the cold/flu quickly and efficiently.
Lastly, If you’re sick… Stay at home… Keep warm and enjoy netflix… Let it run its course and dont infect others. One day off work is more productive than you infecting 5 others…
Good luck.
If you have any questions please contact our office for a complimentary phone appointment with one of our practitioners.